On the far side with Dead Folks
Autor: Joe R. Lansdale, Timothy Truman
Herausgeber: Avatar Press
Erscheinungsjahr: 2000
An all-American badass bounty hunter pursues his target across a post-apocalyptic desert landscape overrun by zombies.
Wayne is a bounty hunter, but he has the bad luck to be one in the middle of a desert filled with the undead. Still, if he wants to get paid, he needs to bring in his man... so dead folks best get out of his way if they know what's good for 'em. But being dead, they clearly don't. The cult favorite team of Joe R. Lansdale and Timothy Truman are back together for the first time in years, bringing all the hilarious insanity and violence that made their Jonah Hex series modern classics. Except this time, the kid gloves are off as they deliver more mayhem, death, and (of course) zombies per page than any other graphic novel on the market!
Beispiel in gutem Zustand. Einband mit Staub- und Gebrauchsspuren. Vergilbung der Seiten. Text auf Englisch. Text auf Englisch. Buch in gutem Zustand.
ISBN -Code: 1592910211
EAN: 9781592910212
Seiten: 72
Format: Taschenbuch
Größe (cm):
Höhe: 25
Breite: 26
Text auf Englisch. Text auf Englisch. Schwarz-Weiß-Comic.
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