Hieronymus III Francken (1611-1661) The denial of Peter

The denial of Peter

Code: ARTPIT0000908

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Hieronymus III Francken (1611-1661) The denial of Peter

The denial of Peter

Code: ARTPIT0000908

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Hieronymus III Francken (1611-1661) The denial of Peter - The denial of Peter


The denial of Peter

Artist:  Hieronymus III Francken (1611-1661)

Artwork title:  La negazione di Pietro

Age:  17th Century / 1601 - 1700

Subject:  Biblical scene

Description : La negazione di Pietro

Oil on oak board, coming from an important historical Florentine collection. The collection started by an ancestor of the family who was in Vienna in 1798 and then in Wurzburg until 1813, as a companion of exile of the Grand Duke of Tuscany Ferdinand III. The collection was transferred to Florence after the fall of Napoleon, and its importance is proved by a copy of an inventory compiled in 1881. At number 14 of it (corresponding to the one shown on the cartouche at the back of the table), the compiler's description:...a two feet and four and a half inches long wooden footboard, and one foot and eight and a half-inch high, representing Peter who denies Jesus Christ to the maiden in Anna's house. We see the Savior from far away carried to that pontiff to be examined, in the midst of a crowd and a quantity of soldiers. In the 1960s, an initial attribution to Bruegel was denied and relocated to Francken. The composition was obviously successful because other versions of the workshop were known (see for example, an oil on copper with identical subject and dimensions in the Koller auction on 18/09/2015). Presented in a refurbished frame.

Product Condition:
Good condition. Wear consistent with age and use. Any damage or loss is displayed as completely as possible in the pictures. Product with a Certificate of Authenticity and Lawful Origin.

Frame Size (cm):
Height: 62
Width: 81

Artwork dimensions (cm):
Height: 52
Width: 68

Additional Information

Artist: Hieronymus III Francken (1611-1661)

Hieronymus III Francken, born in 1611, belonged to a famous family of Flemish painters, son of the famous Frans II Francken. His training therefore certainly took place in the context of his father's workshop, from which the representation of crowded scenes and carefully designed scenography derives. Specializing mainly in religious subjects, but also portraits and still lifes, his works are characterized by a very particular attention to the contextualization of the episode. The protagonists, in fact, often get confused with the other characters who populate the scene. This working method certainly denotes its Nordic origin, together with the consideration of the color palette and light output. The date of death is uncertain, but it certainly occurred after 1661 (the year in which his son Constantijn, also a painter, was born) and before 1681.

Age: 17th Century / 1601 - 1700

17th Century / 1601 - 1700

Subject: Biblical scene

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