Renaissance Frame Lacquered Wood Italy XVI Century

Code: ANCOSP0130303

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Renaissance Frame Lacquered Wood Italy XVI Century

Code: ANCOSP0130303

2,000.00 € *
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Renaissance Frame Lacquered Wood Italy XVI Century


Style:  Renaissance (1460-1630)

Age:  16th Century / 1501 - 1600

Origin:  Central Italy


Central Italy frame, partially lacquered, the corners and centers are decorated with phytomorphic racemes; external frame and gilt stop.

Product Condition:
Product that due to age and wear requires restoration and resumption of polishing.

Dimensions (cm):
Height: 46,5
Width: 61
Depth: 3

Maximum size (cm):
Height: 64
Width: 78,5

With certificate of authenticity

Certificate issued by:  Enrico Sala, expert

Additional Information

Style: Renaissance (1460-1630)

With the Renaissance, furniture took on architectural forms, perfect proportions, adorned with rationally arranged decorations, taken from Greco-Roman iconography.
Supports and feet carved in acanthus leaf or lion's paw appear at least from the early 1560s.
Next to parallelepiped chests appear others in the shape of a classic sarcophagus, with surfaces marked by ornamental metrics rigidly regulated within pilasters and frames.
The novelty of the sculptural intaglio decoration deduced from archaeological remains triumphs, stylistic elements decoded and reworked in different compositional harmonies arranged in alternating plays of dentils, ovules, volutes, acanthus-shaped spirals, loricatures, dressings, candelabras and grotesques, and the whole relives pantheon of pagan mythology, to historize in particular chests, which the initial function of container of the wedding dowry takes over the new instance of real parade furniture.
It should be remembered that the furniture displayed was generally richly embellished with gold leaf gilding.
In the first decades of the sixteenth century, the use of the Carthusian inlay definitively declined, although even in the Renaissance this technique had great renown, just think of the activity of the Tasso workshop in Florence.
Find out more about the Renaissance style with our insights:
Renaissance style
A pair of candle holders between Renaissance and Baroque
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Age: 16th Century / 1501 - 1600

16th Century / 1501 - 1600

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